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Balm: Lemon Variegated (Melissa officinalis 'Aurea') - The Culinary Herb Company

Balm: Lemon Variegated

(Melissa officinalis 'Aurea')

Culinary Herb Co.
Regular price
Sale price
Quantity must be 1 or more


This plant produces clusters of small, pale yellow flowers in summer and
is very easy to grow. It has highly aromatic, slightly wrinkled,
green/gold variegated lemon-scented leaves that can revert to green in
summer. Keep cutting back to promote new growth.
Add the leaves to flavour salads, soups, sauces, herb vinegars, game and fish. Chopped
leaves in hot water make a refreshing tea or mix the leaves with soft
Plant in rich, fertile soil in full sun/part shade.